"Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

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"Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Redwyrm » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 01:42

So i am in Sanctuary of Darkness area, and tasked to set safe path to go in between gates.
However mission is seems just bugged(?) No matetr what i do, it just doesn't recognize nav beacons i set as safe path. Instead creating weird marked locations.
Here is example of safe path i set, and game just doesn't accept it

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Geek » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 01:48

Afaik each nav beacon must be within range (gold circle) of the previous one, which is not the case in that screen.
Right on commander !

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Radamanthe Nemes » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 03:38

Geek wrote:
Thu, 13. Apr 23, 01:48
Afaik each nav beacon must be within range (gold circle) of the previous one, which is not the case in that screen.
Yes. Took me almost 2 hours to finally figure that out, in a desperate last try... thing is that there is no indication of progress, except that the individual gold sphere should in fact not draw when dropping a beacon. That's quite confusing, to say the least.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by xomg » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 04:14

This is an awful mission, even by X standards. You have to fly through a sector with very poor visiblity and invisible death clouds, laying navigation beacons (in which direction? does it matter?) with no real instructions and broken feedback. Sometimes it draws a circle around the last beacon you've dropped, and sometimes it doesn't. Oh, and you're in an explorer and being attacked constantly.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by As25 » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 04:31

I didn't find the mission itself bad, but I got trolled by the devs and I have the feeling many got trolled too. You are giving a fast ship and told to explore. They warn you about the Kha'ak multiple times but not once about the radiation beforehand.

So naturally I went full speed to the center of the sector spamming the long range scanner on the way like in any other sector only to get blown up before I can react lol. As the game over screen was happening the Boron goes like "btw, be careful about the radiation" - "Why didn't you tell me earlier you moron" I thought. Then you have to go through all the dialogue aboard the ship again if you didn't save.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Redwyrm » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 04:39

Thx for replies. I'v figured it out.
Have to say though mission is super-unintuitive. It really need a better guidance on what player suppose to do.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by StoneLegionYT » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 05:08

I love X4 but the hand holding and guidance with that Start at least was backwards of what I expect from Egosoft honestly. I guess it's not meant for new players or even out of shape players. But the whole point is that thing was just a bloody mess. They should of just marked it for us and just say drop 5 of them or whatever at each location.. Sure not as much hide and seek but it's also not going to make people rage quit as well haha.

There sadly a point that you need balance in telling the player too much or not enough. I feel all Start Missions should be a bit more hand holding as that is getting them into the game. Let's hold their hand get them started then remove the training wheels.

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Hint for those who are having trouble with Blazing the Trail

Post by jojorne » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 05:24

Hint for those who are having trouble:
If you deploy a nav beacon and it has a yellow circle, it means you placed it too far away.
You need to deactivate it, retrieve it and place it closer to the one placed earlier.
The path to follow is...
The bottom path. Just follow the red trail on the map.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Redwyrm » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 07:38

StoneLegionYT wrote:
Thu, 13. Apr 23, 05:08
I love X4 but the hand holding and guidance with that Start at least was backwards of what I expect from Egosoft honestly. I guess it's not meant for new players or even out of shape players. But the whole point is that thing was just a bloody mess. They should of just marked it for us and just say drop 5 of them or whatever at each location.. Sure not as much hide and seek but it's also not going to make people rage quit as well haha.

There sadly a point that you need balance in telling the player too much or not enough. I feel all Start Missions should be a bit more hand holding as that is getting them into the game. Let's hold their hand get them started then remove the training wheels.
Oh, i am not new. Already have over 400 hours in X4 on 4 playthroughs. It still confused hell out of me.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Nanook » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 09:20

Moving to Spoilers Forum due to the spoiler nature of the thread.
Have a great idea for the current or a future game? You can post it in the [L3+] Ideas forum.

X4 is a journey, not a destination. Have fun on your travels.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Thomas2052 » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 10:12

As25 wrote:
Thu, 13. Apr 23, 04:31
I didn't find the mission itself bad, but I got trolled by the devs and I have the feeling many got trolled too. You are giving a fast ship and told to explore. They warn you about the Kha'ak multiple times but not once about the radiation beforehand.

So naturally I went full speed to the center of the sector spamming the long range scanner on the way like in any other sector only to get blown up before I can react lol. As the game over screen was happening the Boron goes like "btw, be careful about the radiation" - "Why didn't you tell me earlier you moron" I thought. Then you have to go through all the dialogue aboard the ship again if you didn't save.
Came to the forums to post exactly this.

When entering a new sector, especially one known to be dangerous, it's usually at full speed to avoid interception.

Mentioning the sector-wide storms of death maybe should have been a little higher on the conversation list, whatever they were prattling about before. Perhaps even - radical here - advance warning before you enter the sector. Explorer extraordinaire my rear tentacle.

Last through of my character on that playthrough was 'I wonder what killed that kha' aak ship over there... '

Have never liked sector hazards. The Void ended my first X4 playthrough as well.
Older. Not wiser.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by NiAypa » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 10:34

I like it. Missions/Sectors like this give the feeling of a dangerous universe which is nice in my opinion. Also, they do give you a warning - in one of the chats after you enter the sector, you are told to keep near the asteroids to avoid the danger zones and doing so works. But I agreee with the circle thing, it confused me too. I thought it was a good sign when another circle popped up when placing the nav beacon, but it actually means its placed too far. from the last one... maybe a message indicating that would be nice.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Rinne » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 12:43

My main issue was that the spread of physical asteroids in the sector is very thin.
I was trying to stick to the large visible asteroids, which often led me through hazardous regions because the next visible asteroid was actually behind a gap in the mineral field.

It would never occur to me to check the map for mineral fields.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by NiAypa » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 13:09

Maybe you should have used your ship's long range scanner then ;)

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Rinne » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 13:40

I did, but it didn't help me much.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by haimeexu » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 16:12

Yep, needs an updated mission description :rant:

Hazard was not a problem in my case, as I switched back to my Moreya and its Tenacity mod after one minute in the Mako :mrgreen:

Btw... why does an aquatic race "living" in space suits have apartments with a stove and glassware on the table? :gruebel:

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by haimeexu » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 16:19

Ah, and an afterthought... of course the naughty player in his hazard-proof ship went exploring before decoding the inactive gate and had placed nav beacons at
all those curious active yet unresponsive accelerator gates -- while it did not hinder completion of the mission, it added a lot of confusion with the mission markers.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by As25 » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 18:38

NiAypa wrote:
Thu, 13. Apr 23, 10:34
Also, they do give you a warning - in one of the chats after you enter the sector, you are told to keep near the asteroids to avoid the danger zones and doing so works.
Yes but at the phase the conversation is going, and the Mako speed, you get blown up before that line of dialogue even comes out.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Sentinel-Ghost » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 18:52

Geek wrote:
Thu, 13. Apr 23, 01:48
Afaik each nav beacon must be within range (gold circle) of the previous one, which is not the case in that screen.
Yea it took me a bit of trail and error to figure that one out, just ended up placing nav beacons inbetween other placed nav beacons until the game decided it was happy. This mission seriously needs a better guidance.

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Re: "Blazing Trail", Boron main plotline mission, can't complete

Post by Hawkseyez » Thu, 13. Apr 23, 22:16

Had nps with this. they even tell you when enter to stay near the asteroids which ends up being the path. this isn't the first time we had dangerous space to deal with in the game. people just want to complain to complain i swear. how dare a space game make an area of space dangerous and facilitate the need to reroute. not like that's ever been done before, like in every space game, movie, and TV show imaginable. how dare they! wow. smh.

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