[SCR/MOD] Complex Cleaner v3.20 / Modular Complexes

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Post by Gazz » Wed, 16. Jul 08, 19:49

Version 3.12 released.
  • Cash stored in crunched stations is transferred to the player account if both station and player account are < Cr.
    (If it's higher than that, would you even care?)
  • The Module Complex no longer carries LT and SQUASH.
    At least until they have a purpose...
  • ignore : Personally Target one of your stations and run this command on some properly equiped ship. (skip the "Position" argument).
    CC will ignore this station or module on subsequent "crunches".
    Repeat the command for this particular station to remove the ignore flag.

    Regardless of what you had targeted, ignore will always tag all currently ignored stations in sector with a "".
    This is purely for your information and can be deleted/renamed at will.
    So if you use ignore without a station targeted, all the script does is check all stations and add the text tag where needed.

This is a script update. No need to change the mod file.
Last edited by Gazz on Thu, 17. Jul 08, 07:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Whuppee » Wed, 16. Jul 08, 22:20

Woo! Seems to work beautifully.

Ignore allowed for perfect modules to be crunched without aggregation. Persisted through hub destructions, and.. when toggled off.. allowed for aggregation.

And the general inadvisability of plexing the MC aside, the temporary lack of products certainly makes it far less annoying.

I expect it will also alleviate some confusion and repeated questions about them.

Thanks. :)

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Post by Teladidrone » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 06:01

Whats the correct procedure to update from 3.10 to 3.12?
I noticed the mod files timestamp did not change - updating the spk is enough here?
And I have several of the 3.10 "LT & squash" modul complexes already - will an update to 3.12 change them to the new "squash-less" version, too?

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Post by Gazz » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 07:35

It is only a script update. I forgot to mention that.

Existing MC will not be converted automatically but only when you use the crunch command again.
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Post by Whuppee » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 16:47

It doesn't seem to be possible to have more than 1 MC per sector.

If I'm wrong, please correct me and disregard the rest of this.

Would it be at all compatible with the aims of this mod and/or 'easy' to implement, preferrably both, a mechanism that would allow for multiple MCs within the same sector?

Alternately, and currently, it seems workable to have multiple plexes "within" the same MC.

All FACTs are gathered into the same MC, but it's entirely possible to connect them into separate plexes, granting them essentially all of the freedoms they'd enjoy as non-assimilated plexes (separate docking, resources, products, product lines, credits, owned ships, etc).

Would you expect this to cause any problems, now or later on? I tested it briefly, and it is possible; but that's hardly sufficient to conclude that it will continue to work and scale. I'll certainly be testing this, as I do have several sectors with multiple plexes, but any feedback you'd be able to provide on this solution would be much appreciated.

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Post by Gazz » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 18:08

Whuppee wrote:Alternately, and currently, it seems workable to have multiple plexes "within" the same MC.

All FACTs are gathered into the same MC, but it's entirely possible to connect them into separate plexes, granting them essentially all of the freedoms they'd enjoy as non-assimilated plexes (separate docking, resources, products, product lines, credits, owned ships, etc).
The connection range is 20 km so you can arrange a lot of complex hubs in this 40 km sphere without ever getting a traffic jam.

If you have multiple hubs you can disconnect that subcomplex and/or crunch more factories in without affecting the other subcomplexes in the least.
You could also add a mini complex with a "public hub" just beside your production complexes hub to keep all the AI traders out of your production complex. I did that with my old Trading Station Deluxe script.

Anyway - works as intended. =)

Multiple MC are a rather bad idea. If you add factories you'd have to somehow define which MC they are supposed to be added to or run into problems when they are out of connection range of "their" hub.
This would reintroduce "factory placement", a feature I was quite happy to have gotten rid of.
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Post by Whuppee » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 19:56

Sounds good to me. I actually quite like this solution.

Thanks for the feedback / confirmation :)

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Post by Litcube » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 04:03


Congrats on your updates, here. This is pretty much what I had in mind in regards to our discussion a few months back. I'm looking forward to using it when I dust off X3 again.

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Post by Litcube » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 05:20

Odd. It's telling me there's no crunchable factories in the sector. What are the two sector position prompts for when you run the crunch command?

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Post by Gazz » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 07:29

How old is your script version?
The CC has 1 position argument. What it's used for depends on the command and is explained in the 1st post.
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Post by Litcube » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 07:32

Grabbed V2 off your webpage there. There's no other identifier matching you're post version of 3.12. So who knows.

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Post by Litcube » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 07:34

Grabbed V2 off your webpage there. There's no other identifier matching you're post version of 3.12. So who knows.

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Post by Whuppee » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 19:00

That's the one. The version number on the site isn't accurate.

If you'd care to verify,
  • Installing the spk with Cycrow's Plugin Manager displays the correct version.

    As will the ingame message immediately following the install.

    As will running the check command from the Complex Cleaner prompt.

I'm also aware of only one position argument *
  • crunch
    what sector?
    where do we put the MC? *

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Post by Gazz » Wed, 20. Aug 08, 20:04

Version 3.20 released.

CC processes mines of all sizes and yields.
(until someone manages an integer overflow)

CC processes the whole sector on the first run.
It is possible that several completion messages are generated.
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Post by drakend » Fri, 29. Aug 08, 14:31

Hello Gazz, I would like to ask you if you plan to make a port of this wonderful script to Terran Conflict... I mean this script should be made a default component of the game!!! It's so wonderful words aren't enough to express that: the spaghetti complexes are a terrible nightmare in my games now! :)

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Post by Dom Devore » Mon, 1. Sep 08, 11:17

Gazz, I'm having a bit of a problem adding a few more stations to one of my crunched complexes. I crunched down about 190 or so stations (mostly ore and silicon roids, but with some SPP's crystals etc... as well) using the typical method. Crunch > Connect module complex to first factory module, then connected the rest. Now when I go to add two more Silicon L's by doing an additional crunch command the existing complex breaks apart back into the individual factory modules. I'm using the same method of adding new stations as I've used on my other module complexes which was never a problem before.

Any ideas? I thought I might have been because I moved the docking hub further away from the complex using FCC, but moving it close again doesn't solve the problem.

One thing to note is that the first message received when running the second crunch command is that it reduced the number of factories by -3. It then states it has reduced by 5, then 0 on the third message.

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Post by Gazz » Mon, 1. Sep 08, 12:12

Sorry but you might have to read the first post.

The paragraph is even marked as important in bold and red so I'm definitely not retyping it here.

The multiple messages are... a feature.
There is a small variation in compression factor, depending on the number/kind/size of factories and the order they are compressed in.
The consecutive runs ensure maximum compression without requiring me to script more layers of recursion.
And -3 + 5 + 0 = 2 so that's 2 fewer factories. =)

Adding mines can easily increase the number of factories. Just do the experiment yourself and calculate the factory size that represents the output of this exact mine/yield combination...
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Post by Dom Devore » Mon, 1. Sep 08, 12:58

Gazz wrote:Sorry but you might have to read the first post.

The paragraph is even marked as important in bold and red so I'm definitely not retyping it here.
I did read the first post multiple times. Both before installing this a few days ago and now that I'm experiencing the problem.

Unless I've gone blind and can't see what you're referring to, I assume you're referring to this:
You are allowed to connect the Module Complex to the hub but if you do so, it's very likely that the hub will be destroyed the next time you run the crunch command. Your decision.
The factory modules ( =real producing factories) are the ones you are supposed to connect.
as it is the only thing in the first post that I can find that relates to what has happened. However, I am not trying (or did so before the first build) to connect a hub to the Module complex. I'm simply running the crunch command in a sector with two stand alone silicon L's and the existing fully constructed module complex that is working fine. When I do, the exisiting complex comes apart. It doesn't matter if I select the module complex, the stand alone Silicon Facts or an empty spot of space on the map.

I'm using the exact same method that I used to add a new Gamma PPC forge to an existing Module Complex not 2 hours ago where I experienced no problems with it just assimilating into the Complex. When I ran the second crunch command there the module complex stayed intact with all module hubs remaining a part of the complex and I just had to use kits to connect the new hubs to the complex.

Either I'm doing something wrong that I can't see or the specific setup I have is causing it to break apart.
The multiple messages are... a feature.
There is a small variation in compression factor, depending on the number/kind/size of factories and the order they are compressed in.
The consecutive runs ensure maximum compression without requiring me to script more layers of recursion.
And -3 + 5 + 0 = 2 so that's 2 fewer factories. =)
I understand that, I was just pointing it out as a possible clue to what made the whole thing fall apart.

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Post by Gazz » Mon, 1. Sep 08, 17:00

Dom Devore wrote:Connect module complex to first factory module, then connected the rest.
Dom Devore wrote:However, I am not trying (or did so before the first build) to connect a hub to the Module complex.
Note how you first say that you connect the MC to the complex.
Every factory in a complex is always connected to the hub.
It's just not possible to have an unconnected station in the complex.

As long as you don't enlarge the complex (too much), it even works.

I could easily disable the possibility of connecting the MC but I decided to leave it up to the user. *shrug*
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Post by Yourself » Mon, 1. Sep 08, 17:03

I encountered a rather weird issue. Having installed your CC 3.2 for XTM and having crunched my rather large Complex to a couple of neat little refrigerators, I had the idea of installing ashley's and switching to the 33.cat-ashley-compatible-CC.
So I did what you wrote (fake-patching with ashley's, moving the CC-Mod-File up to higher numbers on the Fake-patch-ladder). I did NOT reinstall the CC-Script.
What occured is, as aforementioned, ratherly weired. My crunched-down complex's factory descriptions are total gibberish, as you can see on the following screenshot.
http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php ... lexcd1.jpg
The FPS in the sector are a total mess and the factory-complex looks like an ore mine.
Crunching-in a new factory didn't help either.

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