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Post by Gosnell » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 01:42

I have been playing this straight for 2 days RimWorld http://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/
Great little colony management game in the deep vein of Dwarf Fortress ,and the graphical style of Prison Architect
Amazingly deep ,with some crazy situations developing.
For example,this is the last few minutes of my colony.
Death of a colony
Well after 6 hours i had finally mined out my mountain base7/8 colonists still alive,and research just starting.The base lined with wooden walls and floor.
Eric was confined to his bed for going beserk after his lover died of heatstroke.
Then the raid started...
I quickly equipped my colonists with 2 rifles 2 pistols a few knives and i decided to give Eric a club.
Positioning all my colonists in the entrance coridor to my base.

The Raiders moved in.
They had grenades ,molotovs and pistols
Cookie my husky ran out to attack them ...
They shot her then shredded her with a grenade.
Whilst liberally lobbing molotovs at my fields and stockpiles.
Then they entered the coridor....

All hell broke loose, in the confusion reiquart my best miner got shot dead ,i think it was friendly fire.
Scarlet and Paramedic(actual name) were shot and knocked unconcious.
Chef got stabbed.
Kyle got hit by a grenade.Shredding his kidneys
Meanwhile recently recovered loonatic Eric finished off the last of the raiders....
However at this point the coriddor is awash with fire from an erant molotov
The only people left standing are Bianca and Eric,
They quickly rescue Chef,Kyle and Paramedic.
Its then that they realise that moaning charred body in thhe inferno is not a raider but 17 year old Scarlet,at this point burnt horifically,Eric bravely pulls her clear and rushes her to a bed.
Meanwhile the fire rages...and Bianca smiles for shes a pyromaniac.
Instead of fighting the spreading inferno she wanders outside to harvest the crops.
Meanwhile Eric frantically plays a whack a mole like dance attempting to contain the flames.
Finally it ends ,though the fire still spreads outside.

Then Eric snaps and attacks the remaining Husky,the Husky knocks him unconcious.
Bianca has no medical skills,so facing a lonely existence on this barren rock she decides to become an angel of mercy.
She beats everyone to death with a club...picks up a grenade and pulls the pin..which incidently killed a passing cat.

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Post by Morkonan » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 01:58

I've been watching Let's Plays of this game for quite some time. Youtube - quill18 The game looks great and has just now gone Early Access on Steam, so grats to the devs.

Good game, pretty deep, really good gameplay involving colonist behaviors, etc.

It's definitely worth a buy for those interested in a good sci-fi survival management game. I'll pick it up, one day.

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Post by OmegaKnight » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 05:38

Yep been playing, the new build, a lot this week as well.
Great game, nice to see it launched on Steam,
it's has been peaking over 10,000 current players,
so it's getting out there to a wider audience.

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Post by ATTACK_HAMSTER » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 13:35

I caved in and bought it last week and spent my time getting used to it and save scumming a lot! Soon as i get a chance this weekend, it's iron-man all the way!

If you are familiar with the DF concept of stockpiles and such, you will easily and quickly get into this game. I can thoroughly recommend this game, with my only quibble being the late game being a little slow, although I believe this will be expanded upon in future updates. Having said that, iron-man mode will probably never let me see the late game :D
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Post by RegisterMe » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 15:03

I can't breathe.

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Post by Tamina » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 19:04

I have been playing Rimworld since it went public.
It has a similar addiction level like minecraft but the lack of multiplayer and sudden short living colonies make it a short-living addiction.

If addiction is good or bad is in the eye of the beholder, since I am working and have critical deadlines it is very bad for me. :D

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Post by Morkonan » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 19:10

I wish Dwarf Fortress had at last half the graphics and UI that games like Rimworld, Prison Architect or even Gnomoria have... :(

Rimworld looks great, but I want something with a larger, more epic, feel, especially with modifying terrain and multiple levels. Prison Architect can be very complex, somewhat like Dwarf Fortress, but its focus is entirely different and can sometimes be a bit.. distasteful. Gnomoria is wonderful, with just the right sort of stuff, but it's only a shadow compared to what DF can bring to the table. Banished is shallow, Towns is broken, Hearthstone is EA and not of similar scope, etc...

Yes, I'm just complaining about DF's accessibility. Ignore me, I'm nuts. :)

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Post by clakclak » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 21:24

Sorry to disappoint you Gosnell, but I was quicker! Rimworld threat from May 14th 2015 :lol:

Anyway, still a great game, was happy to finally receive my steam code a few days ago.
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Post by OmegaKnight » Tue, 19. Jul 16, 23:18

clakclak wrote:... but I was quicker!
Thought I remember posting about this before :)

So, Morkonan, tilesets just not cutting it for you?
It is a shame that you have to play DF with,
what is effectively, a spreadsheet open on a second monitor (Dwarf Therapist).
But hey on the plus side magma-landmines

If your looking for an alternative to Adventure mode,
then UnReal World is a decent survival roguelike
while the base building is limited to building a shelter
so you don’t freeze to death when the snow comes.

But for base building/ management a keep eyeing up Factorio,
currently watching Arumba’s play the 0.13 alpha

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Post by Bishop149 » Wed, 3. Aug 16, 15:54

I've been off work sick for the last couple of days and this has formed most of my convalescence.
It really is a hoot and one of those games you can easily start at 6pm meaning to play for an hour or two only to look up and find its 3am and you haven't had any dinner.

Highlights for me.

Legless Jethro
One of my captured raiders Mei had more than few personality disorders. . . . . liable to snap at the slightest provocation, but other than that was a very useful body, particularly with animals.
One day when being followed about by her faithful pets, she had one of her mood swings, went berserk and . . . . . her poor pet Monkey Jethro, she tore most of his limbs off.
Jethro still lives as an immobile lump in his bed who the colonists take it in turns to feed. I'd euthanise him but its likely that would just set Mei off again, this time she might hurt someone more important. :roll:

One hell of a chair
I noticed that my colonists often spent time seemingly standing listless in the kitchen, I eventually clicked one one to see what the hell he was doing . . . . "Looking at art".
WTF, I don't have any decent artists and I haven't let my amateurs have any art supplies . . . . Turns out that Olaf had done a DAMN good job crafting one of the dining chairs. So much so it was proving an artistic distraction for everyone. But hey, it was making everyone joyful. . . . .

The death of my colony
Was at the point where I was pretty confident, everything very well established more than enough food frozen for the coming winter and I could brush off most raider attacks with no more than a few scratchs.
I'd also got rather lucky when the last raid coincided with a visit from a trade caravan from the raiding parties enemies. The two groups all but slaughtered each other leaving behind some very prize loot on the caravan side . . . . which I promptly nicked.

The next raider attack took a new form, it appeared they intended to shell me from a far. . . . well we'll see about that, I now have an (untested) rocket launcher and am full of new found bravado.
Four or my six colonists head out to kill the raiders, the first shot from Vasquez's new toy blows up right in front of her face . . killing her instantly and wounding most of the others. From then on it's a bloodbath. . . lose all four in quick succession, killing perhaps half as many raiders. Zoya, my husky goes maneater and gives good account of herself killing two more raiders before succumbing. Not enough to put them off their shelling however.
The remaining two colonists have no combat skills, and one is a committed pacifist so they hunker down, they should be safe under the mountain. . . . right?
Incendiary shells set fire to the fields inside the first perimeter, Anna runs to put out the fire. . . . promptly succumbs to heath stroke falls over and burns to death. Inge, hides in her room. . . . . but oh no, the second outer door has been held open for convenience. Fire spreads into the mountain, who'd have though stone and metal would burn so well?
Temperature in Inge's room reaches 140C. . . . Heatstroke and death quickly follow. Permadeath.

Thus I learned that mortars are really rather handy and that I should have built some. Next time, next time.
Morkonan wrote:Yes, I'm just complaining about DF's accessibility. Ignore me, I'm nuts. :)
I get it, Rimworld was described by RPS as “the game for everyone who wanted to get into Dwarf Fortress but couldn’t because ASCII.” A description that fits me perfectly.
It tried DF, I wanted to love it but . . . . just no to the sodding ASCII pseudo-3Dness.
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Post by Jericho » Wed, 3. Aug 16, 16:59

PennyArcade introduced me to RimWorld, and I'm intrigued, but don't have the time to spend on it I think.
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Post by pjknibbs » Wed, 3. Aug 16, 17:17

As with any Early Access game, I might consider buying this when they actually release it properly. Quite apart from anything else, I don't want to be playing a moving target!

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Post by red assassin » Wed, 3. Aug 16, 18:54

I've been playing entirely too much of this recently. I utterly adore Dwarf Fortress and have played countless hours of that over the years, and I do miss some of the depth in Rimworld (literally - I miss multiple layers - as well as figuratively, with things like being able to mine machinery components directly out of the mountain). But Rimworld seems to do better at constructing a story deliberately rather than accidentally. I found with DF it didn't take me that long to get good enough at it that few things could actually threaten my forts (that is, once I'd got good enough at it to not flood or starve myself accidentally and build reasonable enough defences to hold off pretty much any attack). Rimworld seems like it has a lot more different events that it can throw at you to keep you on your toes.

For example, my first game (with no idea what I was doing) was all going reasonably well until winter hit. It was a particularly bad winter, with two cold snaps at the beginning and end of it killing off all my crops (and all the grass etc) early and then killing the first replanting. This combined with two random events flooding me with chickens did a number on my food supplies (especially until I managed to figure out how to ban the chickens from the human food store). Just about made it through the winter hunting everything that moved for food... and then got hit by a toxic atmosphere. Anyone who spent much time outside got sick, but the only way of getting food was going out and hunting.

Some lessons have been learnt for my second game, that's for sure.
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Post by OmegaKnight » Thu, 4. Aug 16, 06:33

Started a colony on an ice sheet a little while back (as I hadn't tried that before),
one of the first things was: find some soil,
a small patch of rock floor, surrounded by gravel (not the best but it's all I've got)
and build a sun lamp and some heaters on it, and a box around to make a green house.

No plants to gather, no game to hunt. (a rare polarbear once in awhile, but not enough to live on)

Before I got geo-power researched, an eclipse nearly killed me.
Not enough juice to keep the lamp and 3 heaters going. An entire crop lost.
The fallout, snacking on frozen raiders and a lot of unhappy colonists.

Yeah it's a lot harder to wall yourself in and be safe, like you can in DF.

I've found the most effective way of dealing with a siege is quickly

get someone out there taking pot shots at them while they are still building,
preferably with a sniper rifle, for the range.
When you’ve killed a few they'll charge your base (begin assault).

For training shooting, build a sleeping spot, away from stuff,
draft the rookie with a pistol and have them attack it all day, till their mood gives out.

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Post by Tycow » Thu, 4. Aug 16, 22:19

red assassin wrote:I've been playing entirely too much of this recently. I utterly adore Dwarf Fortress and have played countless hours of that over the years, and I do miss some of the depth in Rimworld (literally - I miss multiple layers - as well as figuratively, with things like being able to mine machinery components directly out of the mountain). But Rimworld seems to do better at constructing a story deliberately rather than accidentally. I found with DF it didn't take me that long to get good enough at it that few things could actually threaten my forts (that is, once I'd got good enough at it to not flood or starve myself accidentally and build reasonable enough defences to hold off pretty much any attack). Rimworld seems like it has a lot more different events that it can throw at you to keep you on your toes.

For example, my first game (with no idea what I was doing) was all going reasonably well until winter hit. It was a particularly bad winter, with two cold snaps at the beginning and end of it killing off all my crops (and all the grass etc) early and then killing the first replanting. This combined with two random events flooding me with chickens did a number on my food supplies (especially until I managed to figure out how to ban the chickens from the human food store). Just about made it through the winter hunting everything that moved for food... and then got hit by a toxic atmosphere. Anyone who spent much time outside got sick, but the only way of getting food was going out and hunting.

Some lessons have been learnt for my second game, that's for sure.
Trust me, your second and third game will continue teaching you lessons... :D

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Post by clakclak » Fri, 5. Aug 16, 14:25

Would love to see what you guys are currently working on.

This one is my colony "Neu Berlin". (Default name)
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Post by Jericho » Fri, 5. Aug 16, 17:02

Thanks for the images of your layout. Do you guys find that if you go away from it for a while, you forget everything when you come back?

I have almost zero free time these days, and was wondering what happens when you come back to it after a few days. Is it "Oh yes, I remember why I built that." or is it "What the fudge is going on here? Who the hell is Dimitri?"
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Post by Bishop149 » Fri, 5. Aug 16, 17:29

I'll post up a pic of my latest effort although I'm thinking of restarting, my current game is dull.

I'm having trouble with the difficulty settings.

I started off with Cassandra Classic and "rough" . . . which was recommended by a review and was mostly fine, although the raids almost every single day became a little trying, I could fight them off but almost nothing ever actually got done.
So I tried my next game with Phoebe Chillax and stuck with rough and it.s now dull as dishwater, almost nothing ever happens.
Surely there's a happy medium somewhere in between these two?

I also had an experiment with permadeath but just found it annoying the only really impact it had on my game was to massively over-punish the first proper mistake you made and ending the game.
Again I'd like a happy medium, reloading on every adverse event disallowed, but then perhaps some wiggle room on a colony killing stupid screw up?
Meh, probably impossible to implement. . . . my willpower not to reload will have to suffice.
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Post by clakclak » Fri, 5. Aug 16, 21:07

Jericho wrote:Thanks for the images of your layout. Do you guys find that if you go away from it for a while, you forget everything when you come back?

I have almost zero free time these days, and was wondering what happens when you come back to it after a few days. Is it "Oh yes, I remember why I built that." or is it "What the fudge is going on here? Who the hell is Dimitri?"
Getting back in is ok. Just pause the game and ask yourself:

1. Do we have enough food? If no what are we gonna do about it?
2. Are we under attack?
3. Is anyone close to a mental break.

@ Bishop I like Randy. Unless you get a spaceship early on you should be able to deal with almost everything in ruff.
"The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing how we are. Imagine how much happier we would be, how much freer to be our true individual selves, if we didn't have the weight of gender expectations." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Post by OmegaKnight » Sat, 6. Aug 16, 04:37

This is the Ice Sheet (Salvation)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =738271609
Scratching a living while trying not to freeze to death or starve,
but now Geo-power is up it should get a bit more pleasant for the colonists

This is Forest Retreat
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =738441458
Or, should I say, is was a forest till lightening burned down 70~80% of the trees/plants,
followed by toxic fallout that killed every animal on the map,
there are skeletons everywhere. It is starting to come back but at the moment it
leaves my livestock quite vulnerable as they are right over on one side of the map.
Still quite early in the build, just getting the perimeter wall up
to guide attackers where I want them.
Started off by reclaiming a small stone building (where the blue Medical beds are).
Then quickly clearing some trees and built the main hall in the middle, followed by the freezer,
then individual bedrooms.
Now going to expand into the mountain to protect from further fires and assaults.

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