X1TP XDownloads4 (xdownloads.co.uk)

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 18. Aug 16, 16:46

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to upload these files. The error symptom is different now though. When I open up the page to add (upload) a new file to xdownloads, the progress bar displaying the loading progress of the page needs several seconds (i.e. much longer than on other pages) to reach 99% and won't progress any further. While I can fill everything in, the bar remains at 99% on the screen. Submitting the file (i.e. clicking on the "save" button) brings me to the main overview page after waiting a few tens of seconds without any message of success. The file is nowhere to be found either. I tried it with two different browsers (Opera 39, Firefox 49) with all extensions disabled, but the result was always the same.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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Post by SS_T » Sat, 3. Sep 16, 23:04

X2-Illuminatus wrote:Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to upload these files. The error symptom is different now though. When I open up the page to add (upload) a new file to xdownloads, the progress bar displaying the loading progress of the page needs several seconds (i.e. much longer than on other pages) to reach 99% and won't progress any further. While I can fill everything in, the bar remains at 99% on the screen. Submitting the file (i.e. clicking on the "save" button) brings me to the main overview page after waiting a few tens of seconds without any message of success. The file is nowhere to be found either. I tried it with two different browsers (Opera 39, Firefox 49) with all extensions disabled, but the result was always the same.
Sorry for the extremely late reply. The page loading does seem slow but I don't think thats the problem, it looks like it was not auto publishing the new files when you upload them.

This should be fixed now, confirmed with my test account. please try again.
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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 9. Sep 16, 11:52

SS_T wrote:Sorry for the extremely late reply.
I think we are at par now with late replys. ;)

I made two new upload tests: The upload of a .zip version of LV's Cheatpackage worked fine. The upload of the XTM Patch.exe 0.75 was still somewhat problematic though. The initial upload itself worked fine too and the download entry showed up correctly on the overview page (under X3: Reunion -> Total Conversions). However, clicking on it would always bring up a 404 page not found error. The edit button worked fine though and brought me to the normal Edit Download page of the file, where I could make and save changes. I then deleted the file from xdownloads and received these two messages:

Selected 'Download' including assigned file(s) succesful deleted.

The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT a.file_id, a.file_title, a.file_alias, a.description, a.description_long, a.file_pic, a.images, a.price, a.release, a.file_language, a.system, a.license, a.url_license, a.license_agree, a.size, a.date_added, a.file_date, a.publish_from, a.publish_to, a.use_timeframe, a.url_download, a.preview_filename, a.other_file_id, a.md5_value, a.sha1_value, a.extern_file, a.extern_site, a.mirror_1, a.mirror_2, a.extern_site_mirror_1, a.extern_site_mirror_2, a.url_home, a.author, a.url_author, a.created_id, a.created_mail, a.modified_id, a.modified_date, a.submitted_by, a.set_aup_points, a.downloads, a.cat_id, a.changelog, a.password, a.password_md5, a.views, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.robots, a.update_active, a.custom_field_1, a.custom_field_2, a.custom_field_3, a.custom_field_4, a.custom_field_5, a.custom_field_6, a.custom_field_7, a.custom_field_8, a.custom_field_9, a.custom_field_10, a.custom_field_11, a.custom_field_12, a.custom_field_13, a.custom_field_14, a.access, a.language, a.ordering, a.featured, a.published, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.modified_date as modified, a.modified_id,CASE WHEN a.publish_from = 0 THEN a.date_added ELSE a.publish_from END as publish_from,a.publish_to, a.images, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.downloads, LENGTH(a.description_long) AS readmore,CASE WHEN badcats.id is not null THEN 0 ELSE a.published END AS state,aa.url_download AS filename_from_other_download,c.title AS category_title, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias, c.cat_dir AS category_cat_dir, c.cat_dir_parent AS category_cat_dir_parent,u.name AS creator,u2.name AS modifier,u2.name AS modifier,l.title AS license_title, l.url AS license_url, l.description AS license_text, l.id as lid,ROUND(r.rating_sum / r.rating_count, 0) AS rating, r.rating_count as rating_count, r.rating_sum as rating_sum,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.alias as parent_alias,menuf.id AS menuf_itemid,menuc.id AS menuc_cat_itemid,c.published, CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN c.published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published FROM #__jdownloads_files AS a LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_files AS aa on aa.file_id = a.other_file_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_categories AS c ON c.id = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS uam ON uam.id = a.modified_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u on u.id = a.created_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u2 on u2.id = a.modified_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_licenses AS l on l.id = a.license LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_ratings AS r on r.file_id = a.file_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_categories as parent ON parent.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, link, access, published from #__menu GROUP BY link) AS menuf on menuf.link LIKE CONCAT('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=download&id=',a.file_id) AND menuf.published = 1 AND menuf.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, link, access, published from #__menu GROUP BY link) AS menuc on menuc.link LIKE CONCAT('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=category&catid=',a.cat_id) AND menuc.published = 1 AND menuc.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM #__jdownloads_categories AS cat JOIN #__jdownloads_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id ) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id WHERE a.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) AND c.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) AND CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN a.published ELSE 0 END IN (0,1,2) AND (a.publish_from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_from <= '2016-09-09 09:43:53') AND (a.publish_to = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_to >= '2016-09-09 09:43:53') ORDER BY a.downloads DESC LIMIT 1000 The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__jdownloads_files AS a LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_files AS aa on aa.file_id = a.other_file_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_categories AS c ON c.id = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS uam ON uam.id = a.modified_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u on u.id = a.created_id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u2 on u2.id = a.modified_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_licenses AS l on l.id = a.license LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_ratings AS r on r.file_id = a.file_id LEFT JOIN #__jdownloads_categories as parent ON parent.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, link, access, published from #__menu GROUP BY link) AS menuf on menuf.link LIKE CONCAT('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=download&id=',a.file_id) AND menuf.published = 1 AND menuf.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, link, access, published from #__menu GROUP BY link) AS menuc on menuc.link LIKE CONCAT('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=category&catid=',a.cat_id) AND menuc.published = 1 AND menuc.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM #__jdownloads_categories AS cat JOIN #__jdownloads_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id ) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id WHERE a.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) AND c.access IN (1,1,2,3,6) AND CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN a.published ELSE 0 END IN (0,1,2) AND (a.publish_from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_from <= '2016-09-09 09:43:53') AND (a.publish_to = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_to >= '2016-09-09 09:43:53')
Afterwards I reuploaded the file and now everything seems to work as it should.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

Neuauflage der fünf X-Romane als Taschenbuch

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 23. Mar 17, 11:06

Hi SS_T,

It seems the edit button on the overview page of an uploaded script / mod on xdownloads vanished, which means I'm unable to make any edits. I tried it with three different browsers (Opera 44, Firefox 51 and Chrome 46) and it doesn't matter, if it's my own scripts (those I uploaded) or those uploaded by others. Would you please have a look!
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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Post by SS_T » Thu, 23. Mar 17, 20:28

This one?


Nothing has changed recently.
New XDownloads: http://xdownloads.co.uk

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 23. Mar 17, 21:03

Strange, it works again now. It was probably just a temporary glitch then. Thanks for the fast reply. :)
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Post by SS_T » Thu, 25. May 17, 13:50

Update, New SSL encryption and backed up the site.
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xdownloads is down

Post by Darneoc » Thu, 8. Jun 17, 21:45

seriously just had my old hdd die on me the other day, now xdownloads down , my mods all my preccciouusssss modsssss.

but seriously hope it's up soon again.

{Excessive character repetition removed. - Terre}

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 9. Jun 17, 12:26

***Merged with XDownloads thread***

The website works fine for me. There's also always the Onedrive backup:
Microsoft mirror: http://d.docs.live.net/e72f879570ff993e ... jdownloads
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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The official X-novels Farnham's Legend, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko as Kindle e-books!

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Post by bluesoulsez » Wed, 14. Jun 17, 20:54

Just dropping a line that I'm going to be preserving these as part of a larger mod repository project at poisonedparanid.com. The site isn't ready yet but these files are being pulled down from the OneDrive link right now.

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Post by SS_T » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 22:05

* Onedrive Mirror (Skydrive) files should be up to date and should be maintained better now.
* Removed Google drive mirror button and bbcode as they haven't worked in over a year due to Google discontinuing hosting.
* Onedrive mirror link now opens in new tab so you don't get stuck over there.
* Updated to latest jdownloads.
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Post by bluesoulsez » Tue, 29. Aug 17, 23:14

SS_T wrote:* Onedrive Mirror (Skydrive) files should be up to date and should be maintained better now.
* Removed Google drive mirror button and bbcode as they haven't worked in over a year due to Google discontinuing hosting.
* Onedrive mirror link now opens in new tab so you don't get stuck over there.
* Updated to latest jdownloads.
There's another mirror available at https://poisonedparanid.com/storage/mir ... tp_mirror/ as well.

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Post by SS_T » Mon, 25. Sep 17, 20:42

Backed up, Updated and worked on the download detail page.

- Added a 'My files' link to the main category so you can easily see any files you have uploaded.

- The X4 button now goes to its own category.

- Added a upload button

- Added a login / register button

[ external image ]

The main page and upload page still use the old template.
New XDownloads: http://xdownloads.co.uk

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 00:36

Looks good. :thumb_up: When you update the main page, it would be great to get a direct link to the search function again. I'm kind of missing that since the red hint was removed.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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Post by JDCollie » Thu, 11. Jan 18, 21:09

Is there a way I can donate to help keep the server running? Mods are a very important part of the X3 experience for me.
Someone please make a transaction history mod. Please. (I'm begging you.)

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Post by SS_T » Sat, 19. May 18, 22:03

I have fixed the expired certificate problem which caused the 'unsafe website' messages.
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Post by Joubarbe » Sat, 19. May 18, 22:30

Thank you Google...

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Post by SS_T » Mon, 10. Sep 18, 14:20

Done some work to the design of the website, still a little bit to do. Also updated and backed up.
New XDownloads: http://xdownloads.co.uk

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Re: X1TP XDownloads4 (xdownloads.co.uk)

Post by SS_T » Wed, 7. Nov 18, 21:15

Backed up and updated, as usual if you have a problem please shout at me.
New XDownloads: http://xdownloads.co.uk

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Re: X1TP XDownloads4 (xdownloads.co.uk)

Post by gnasirator » Sun, 17. Nov 19, 11:54


I just tried logging in to upload a new release for my MK3 improvement. I could log in but wasn't allowed to upload anything. Could you please reenable my user account? -> gnasirator

Thanks :)

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